Thursday, February 5, 2015

                  "Choices are the hinges of destiny." ~Edwin Markham

It is amazing how much our lives revolve around the decisions that we make.  One small decision can change the course of a life for either the good or bad.  We never know what course those decisions will take us.  If we did the decision making process wouldn't be so difficult.  Each possible decision has a different possible outcome, that's the excitement where will life take me next?  I spent some time recently just reflecting on past decisions, I do not regret any of them because either good or bad, they all brought me to the place I am today.  Made me into the woman I am today.  When reflecting I can help but wonder how things would have been different if a different choice was made; would things be the same?  Would I be happy?
Recently I made a decision.  This choice was placed to me several times within the past 6 months or so, and I was adamantly against it for several different reasons. The person who posed the decision was very persistent, so I agreed to pursue something and see where it leads.  It is terrifying not knowing where my decision is going to take me?  Of course.  But while it is scary to face something so completely unknown and not know what will happen, how things will play out, it could also be the best thing that has ever happened.  It could possibly be something I have prayed about for so long.  I am looking forward to what life has in store for me.  It is exciting, thrilling, and yes scary, and even crazy all at the same time.  No matter what happens with the choice that I have made in this matter, has already changed my life.  In my mind the change has been for the better.
You never know what will happen based off of one small decision, but once it is made, we shouldn't look back.  Decisions made today shape what tomorrow will bring, they can never shape what has already happened.  We can only learn from them and change bad decisions into something good.

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