Thursday, January 30, 2014

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." ~ Nelson Mandela

We go through life fearing different things. We fear change, the unknown, committment, responsibility, being out of our comfort zone, failure, unacceptance, spiders. We are even afraid to face those fears. We find different ways to avoid them and not deal with those fears. Sometimes I wonder what causes those fears in the first place? Okay I know the fear of spiders, they're just creepy. But the other things are major important things, and to fear those is major in my opinion.

A lot of the intrisic fears we have are of things that we have no control over, so then would the real fear be the fear of not being in control? Of feeling helpless? We have fantistical dreams of being able to over come all of our fears and conquer everything that the world has to throw at us, but when it comes to it, we chicken out. Sometimes we do get brave and face our fears and conquer them, other times we cower with our tails between our legs. What is it about our internal fears that incapacitate us so much?

How can we face and triumph our fears if we don't know where the originate from in the first place? Where do we even begin to find the ability within to overcome these fears of something intangible? How do you face something you cannot see but only feel?

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