Saturday, January 18, 2014

"People have a hard time letting go of their suffering.  Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar."  Thich Nhat Hanh

As much as we like to pretend that it doesn't our pasts play too much of a strong role in our present lives.  We say we don't live in the past, but our pasts are prevalent in everything we do and how we act and react to different situations and people. Despite the pain and suffering we've endured in the past, it is too hard to let go; to hard to let someone else in and live in the presence of the unknown.  Rather than let go of the painful past and face the unknown, we remain in that suffering.  Many of us have the same suffering and pain..could it be because subconsciously we look for it; we anticipate it and even sometime create it because that is what we know.  Is it possible to break out of that vicious cycle?

We may say the past is the past and that it doesn't affect our lives anymore but that's all it does.  How many of us have become bitter?  Afraid to get attached to anyone? Unable to trust?  We allow past hurts and sufferings dictate our lives whether we realize it or not.  And why o we allow it?  Deep down we find comfort in the pain.  I said so myself the other night..."I am used always being heart-broken."  How many things could we be missing out on because of that fear of the unknown, we say it is fear of being hurt again.  We keep ourselves in this perpetual cycle of hurt and suffering, but why?  Why can't we get past those hurts from past relationships, past experiences?  Is it honestly because we are that afraid of the unknown?

We end up building walls against those around us, and don't let anyone else inside those walls.  We say it is because we are afraid to get attached, but could it be more because we are more comfortable with our suffering and we don't want others to know that?  We don't want to let go of the suffering because...could it make us feel like there is still a connection to that person that caused us pain in the first place? That suffering allows us to still be close and feel like if we let go of that suffering and pain, then we let go of that person.  We are afraid to think of life without that person no matter how badly they hurt us.  Afraid of the life unknown without them, even if we are already living life without said person.  So, is it really the suffering we have a hard time letting go of?  Or is it more of the person?  While holding onto the causes us suffering, and makes it harder for us to allow someone else in and care for us, could it be not for fear that they will hurt us, but for fear of loving someone again and letting down those guards?  And therefore letting go of someone we still love?

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