Sunday, January 26, 2014

"When you've suffered a great deal in life each additional pain is both unbearable and trifling"-- Yann Martel, "Life Of Pie"

Throughout this journey called life, we will always have a time when we will suffer.  When we will endure pain in one form or another.  A lot of the time it seems like once we have been  burned, each time after that seems to be worse than the first.  It always feels like the world is crashing in on us, but then we overcome it and become stronger.  But then we have something else happens and we need to suffer again and it feels like we cannot handle it.  Why is it that everything always seems worse than it is?  Always seems like something we cannot handle.

Life is full of struggles and trials that we seem to cannot be able to get away from. We are surrounded by it no matter the form it comes in. Each time we are forced to deal with such struggles it always seems worse than it is and worse than the last, even if it is something we have dealt with in the past.
We tend to hold onto our struggles, which is why I think it is so hard for us to deal with it when a new one arises. We hold onto the past so much that we even hold on the things we have struggled through. Sure sometimes it effects us in a positive way but other times it effects us negatively. How many of us find it hard to trust new people because someone in our past hurt us? How many of us find it hard to deal with the death of a loved on because we have had so many people in our lives die?

It is something we do all the time. Doing this makes it harder for us to deal with it when something arises because we think of all the pain we dealt with the first or second time around. We cannot let go of our pain, regardless of whether or not we overcame it once before. It continues to forever haunt us. Why? Why do we allow that?

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