Thursday, March 20, 2014

God has no religion.
Each one prays to God according to his own light.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

I have always said that no one religion was correct. Not one religion had the whole complete truth, but that we can learn a little something from each other. I have always held the same though as Gandhi's quote. We all worship the same God but in different ways. We believe in high power no matter if you call it Shiva, Jesus, Allah, Zeus or any other name. Why must we be at each other's throats fighting over who is right? It is quite possible that no one is correct. What if the higher being is sitting up there (or where ever) frustrated that we just are not getting it?

Each faith can teach us all something different not just about the faith itself but also ourselves. There is so much to this world and each other than what name we call our god or how we worship it. Once we learn to realize that, this world could be a better place. We can learn to love one another as Mother Teresa stated. Sure we are different, but does that need to seperate us? Do we really need to hate each other and fight because of it?

The divine is as it is. We can never know if it is gendered or nongender, has a name or simply is. We can't even know if it honestly exists until that time comes, so whay does there need to be so much hate over it? Its all a matter of difference of opinion and is that really worth it? Its like telling someone you aren't going to like them because the don't like to eat mushrooms or that they don't like to play video games. Why can't we just agree to disagree and coexist?

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