Monday, March 3, 2014

“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
― George Bernard Shaw

We hear young people saying that they need to “find themselves” or people say they “Found themselves” in college or some other life altering experience. The things we go through aren’t about finding who we are. I think we know who we are all along, we just need to create and mold the person we are into the person we desire. We know the type of person we are and it isn’t like we lost ourselves. How can we be hidden from the one person we cannot hide from?

Sometimes we choose the things we experience and other times life decides what we go through. But each time we handle something and grow, we create a new aspect of ourselves or increase one we have already created. It makes more sense that we create who we are rather than find ourselves. From the time we begin to explore the world around us we are shaping ourselves and creating who we will become once we are older, even then we are still shaping and molding ourselves. Heck at 31; I am still shaping and molding myself. I wouldn’t say I found myself more of I understood who I was better after some experiences.

I understand being lost in the world and unsure of where to go in life, but I would think that is different from being lost within oneself. You still know who you are as a person, the lost feeling seems to just be another thing that adds to the person and helps create that sense of being.

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