Thursday, March 6, 2014

"When suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool." ~ Chinua Achebe

How often have we tried to run and hide from our sufferings? Tried to pretend that it didn't exist? "If I don't acknowledge it then it isn't happening" is somewhat of the mentality that we have when it comes to suffering of one sort or the other. We like to pretend it isn't happening to us, but maybe to someone else. Because simply ignoring our sufferings will make it go away right?

We only want to face the good things in life, we never want to face to bad. We try to avoid it at all costs, so when something occurs we run away scared. Im not saying some of life's struggles aren't scarey because they are, we just run away instead of trying to figure out how to conquer them. We tell the struggles there is no room in our lives like Achebe stated.

But regardless of how we act towards our tribulations, or how much we try to pretend they are not there; they remain. We will always have something to struggle with, and it is possible that the best way to handle them is to accept it and invite them in.

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