Monday, March 17, 2014

In order to hold on to thoughts of anger, bitterness, revenge, guilt, and shame, we have to use a lot of energy. ~ Edwene Gaines

Many of us are prone to holding grudges against one another. We spend out engery remaining angry and bitter towards someone for doing something we felt had wronged us. Sometimes we want to plan on how to get revenge, how to get t hem back for hurting us and causing us pain. All that takes so much energy, more energy than forgiving them and forgetting about it. But for some reason we find it hard to forget wrongs done to us, no matter how minor. We let the anger and bitterness consume our minds and sometimes we lose sleep, and even sometimes our appetites. It drains us emotionally to where we are simply tired. Is it worth it?

Why do we find it so hard to let go of things that consistanly cause us pain? Why do we spend so much energy on something that brings so much negativity into our lives and hearts? We have such a hard time letting go of bitterness and anger towards others that it only hurts us. What does it do to the other person for us to remain angry towards them? Nothing. It doesn't take any energy from them, just from us. Think of how much happier we'd all be if we were able to just let go of these feelings. We harbor so much pain that we are too tired to notice all the good.

Why can't we let things go? Why does our anger and bitterness and guilt need to rule our lives so much more than happiness and love? Have we truly abandoned all hope of something better?

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