Tuesday, March 25, 2014

“Who are you to judge the life I live?
I know I'm not perfect
-and I don't live to be-
but before you start pointing fingers...
make sure you hands are clean!”
― Bob Marley

We spend so much time judging others and worring about whether or not someone else is judging us. We are constantly concerned about how others will perceive our actions, words, or personalities. At the same time while we are worrying about it, we are doing that exact thing to others around us. We expect perfection from those around us yet at the same time expect them to accept us for who we are. Why? Why do have this unrealistic expectation? The moment we meet someone we begin to judge them based off some unknown criteria that we have created. Or if we hear something about someone we judge.

As Bob Marley said "I'm not perfect," no one is. We all have faults and fail to live up to expectations from time to time. Is it fair for us to judge someone based on that? When we are quick to judge why don't we look at ourselves and realize that we are the farthest thing from perfect as well. We point fingers so fast and don't look at ourselves. Could it be because we are afraid to look at ourselves for who we are? Will we not like ourselves if we did that? Why are we afraid to admit to our own faults and failures?

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