Monday, February 24, 2014

"Each one has to find his peace from within.
And to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances." - Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

We are always searching for peace within. Our lives are full of turmoil and struggle that throughout everything we look to find peace. We pray to God or Allah or whomever for peace and undersatnding. As Gandhi said, that peace can only come from ourselves. It cannot come for other sources such as other people or things. We look outside of ourselves rather than within to find the peace we are craving. How many times have we tried to fill the void of peace with people and things only to feel unsatisfied?

We are constantly looking for ways to provide ourselves with peace and tranquility whether it is through hiking, socializing, yoga. What if those things are only giving us a false sense of peace because we still have all our inner turmoils, whatever they may be? We need to learn to calm the storms within in order to find the true peace Gandhi spoke about. A lot of the time all we want is to be at peace when something happens. We think accepting the situation and having peace are the same thing, but what if they are not the same?

How do we calm those storms and find true inner peace when the world around us is in constant turmoil?

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