Monday, April 28, 2014

“Certainly she no longer thinks of the future, because every day the future proves itself to be a duplicate of the present. So instead she roots through the past.”  ~ David Gillman  "City of Women: A Novel"

How often are we disappoint in the “future” because it is not turning out the way he had envisioned?  We plan out this marvelous future and every day that that plan does not come true we get disappoint and we soon begin to stop looking or thinking of the future and instead think “what’s the use?”  Once we begin to think that and think that the perfect future we want isn’t going to happen, then we start looking at the past and wishing things were like that again.  But things are in the past are there for a reason.

We want everything to happen exactly as we plan it.  How we want it when we want it.  We want everything to happen now rather than wait for it to happen in its own time.   Because of that we think that things are not going happen, we think things are going to remain the way they are now.  We see every day as the same as yesterday.  We don’t see the future we are expecting slowly shaping and forming, so then we look at the past.  We see things in the past that we want and say we miss even though during that time we most likely wished it would pass.  What good does reliving the past and living in it as opposed to looking for the future, striving for the future we want?  All living in the past do is make us miss the present and future.  We miss out on so many things and makes us depressed.

We tend to see a future for ourselves and want it now, this instant, but many times we don’t want to do the hard work, just do the bare minimum.  So then it takes longer and we get even more frustrated and then give up.  I know there were times I did that, gave up and looked at the past and wished things were that easy again, even though during that time there were struggles to overcome.  In order to get the future we want, we need to struggle.  We need to fight tooth and nail for what we want instead of expecting to simple happen because we want it too.  We also need to accept that sometimes life has alternate plans.  Simply because things aren’t happening the way we want, we shouldn’t root ourselves into the past.  No good can come out of that.

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