Thursday, April 10, 2014

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts

We will not always be able to understand change going on around us, whether it is small or large. It doesn't always make sense why things change the way they do, and we are unable to understand and get a hold of these changes. Some changes happen gradually while others hit us like a ton of bricks. Like Mr. Watts said the only way we can make sense of the change is to accept it for what it is and jump head first into it.

We need be able to "join the dance" as Watts stated rather than fight against it. When we fight and struggle with the change life tries to make, we always tend to fall on our butts and are unable to understand. Many times when we fight the changes, we end up getting hurt and are unable to adapt and then lose out on something pretty awesome. We will get left behind and feel even more lost in this journey through life than we would if we accepted the changed and added it to our path.

Having changes in life adds to the quality of it. It keeps us on our toes and ensures that we don't get "too comfortable" in the way things are going. Sometimes we need a little change in things to help us appreciate what we had, as well as what we still have in our lives. We often forget that and plunging into change and making sense out of it helps us appreciate life all the more.

What changes don't make sense to you, and how can you join the dance to make sense of them? Hasn't changes in our life made things better in the end?

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