Sunday, April 13, 2014

Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Too often we are hunting and searching for a treasure of one sort or another; generally happiness, love or peace. Sometimes we don't listen to or follow our hearts for fear of failing or that something is better than what our hearts want. We put a lot of stock into reasoning and logic, but don't pay attention of desires and emotions. We tell other people "just follow your heart" but then we don't follow that same advice. Why is that?

If we took the time to listen to our hearts more and follow our hearts desires, don't you think we would be happier, feel loved and at peace more? How many people simply say their jobs are not what they wanted to do? They didn't follow their passions, but went into a field that was prosperous or was chosen for them? Are those people happy? Some of them yes, others no. If I had followed my heart in career choices I would be happier. If we follow our hearts and know where our hearts would rather be all the treasures of life that we seek and desire would be there.

We need to put a little more stock and value into the matters of the heart, into following one's heart and seeing where it leads. There is a lot that can be said about following your heart. Its such an important part of our bodies and life, shouldn't we listen to it more often?

I do a lot with Paulo Coelho quotes, but that is because a lot of what he says and writes are so inspirational and astounding that it does change how you view things. If you haven't read one of his books, I highly suggest at least The Alchemist where today's quote comes from.

P.S If I followed my heart, think would I find Blackbeard's treasure? Or a lost Shakespearean play?

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