Thursday, April 24, 2014

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt, This is My Story

Too often throughout life there are people who try to make us feel inferior to them. It starting earlier and earlier in childhood and extends far into adulthood. There is no rhyme or reason behind this, it's just the way some people in this world react to others they deem too different. But that just seems to take so much of their own time to worry about making others feel less than worthy.

Eleanor stated it beautifully in saying no one can make you feel inferior unless you let them, unless you give them the power to do so. Sometimes it is difficult to not give power to someone's words or actions, many times they hurt and do in fact make us feel inferior. But the key is to address the feelings off the bat and not dwell on them. The more we dwell on the things said or done, the more we begin to feel that maybe this person was correct after all.

We tend to think what others think of us is correct when what matters is how we view ourselves. If we continue to allow others the power to make us feel less than worthy, less than them, then we will begin to think that and believe it. We will begin to pull back thinking we aren't capable of things. We need to let comments and actions roll off our backs. I know easier said than done, but it is something we should be trying to do.

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