Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I like friends who have independent minds because they tend to make you see problems from all angles." ~ Nelson Mandela

We all have difference of opinions about different situations, events, and causes. Sometimes we use those differences to dislike someone and argue with them. While a good spirited debate is fun from time to time, getting to the point to where you hate the other person and refuse to listen to their views causes a problem. Speaking with people with a difference of opinion gives us the ability to see the same thing from a different point whether we agree or not.

A lot of the time having a different perspective on a situation can change your viewpoints. How often after a debate have we thought "huh, never thought of it like that"? A difference of opinion, different insight gives us a new way to look at things, a new way to even think about something. A lot of the time we are so stuck in our thoughts that we don't want to consider an alternative possibility.

Having different outlooks and thoughts help us grow in our own opinions and understandings of the world around us. It allows us to think and discuss independently rather than depending on the views of others like a newscaster or reporter. How boring would life be if we all thought and viewed the world the same way?

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