Monday, April 7, 2014

"We are all one - the web of life." - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Too often life we forget that we are more a like with each other than we assume. We look at what is different among one another rather than what we have in common. Are our differences really that big of a deal or are we making them bigger than they really are? Are we using differences as excuses to judge and stereotype one another? We ignore all the ways that we are similar but why? Why is the color of one's skin, sexual preference, religious beliefs something that determines who they are as person? Why are those things that determine whether we like them as people? Why are we so quick to judge based on something either they have no control over or something they decide is best for them? Isn't that the point of having free will.

We need to begin to realize that while we all have differences we have similarities as well. We are connected in more ways than we like to think. Once we realize that we won't hate each other so much. We will be able to accept one another easier and better than we are now. Because we know we will be judged we tend to not be ourselves. We are too worried about what others will think of us that we can't be ourselves. To me that just seems so sad.

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