Sunday, February 9, 2014

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
― Mother Teresa

Often times we are too quick to judge someone. We take one look at someone and think we know them based on color, gender, dress, even how they wear their hair. We jump to conclusions quickly and don't really take the time to get to know someone before we judge them. So if we judge to fast how can we learn who they are and know whether or not we actually do like them as a person and not as we perceive?

How many times have you judged someone then got to know them and learned they are completly different than what you thought? Now if we took the time to know someone rather than judge right off the bat, we would learn who they are inside rather than what we think based on stereotypes. There would be more love in the world rather than hate. There are so many things going on in the world that cause turmoil, so why do we need to add one more thing by judging one another?

Once we begin to judge one another and refuse to take the time to love them, then we begin to judge ourselves and open ourselves to the same judgement we give.

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