Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"That's not fair!" - Sarah
"You say that so often, I wonder what your basis of comparison are" - Jareth ~Jim Henson's The Labyrinth

Way too often when something we don't like happens in our lives we claim it is "unfair" or "unjust". But like Jareth says in my favorite movie what is our basis of comparison? What do we have to compare what is fair and unfair too? How can we honestly say something is "unfair" when we don't know exactly what is truthfully fair or unfair?

So many times when we go through a struggle we think "its not fair, this is happening" or even "why me," "why must I go through this." Our only basis for what is fair or not is our own experiences and desires. If it is not something we want or want to do then automatically it is not fair that we need to do it. Or not fair that someone has something we want. When you think about it, that thinking makes us completely selfish.

We tend to think we are entitled to a life that is "fair" by our own standards. When things go "unfairly" we pout, wimper, cry, whatever else we need to do to deal with what we feel as being treated unfairly by either our fellow man or the universe. We begin to think the universe is out to get us, to knock us down. But what if we are getting exactly what we deserve? What if all of our hardships are fair? Isn't it fair for us to get what we deserve whether it is good or bad?

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