Friday, February 14, 2014

"We cannot fight for love, as men may do; We should be wooed, and were not made to woo." ~ Helena: "A Mid Summer's Night Dream" (Shakespeare)

Being back on the dating scene, it seems as though chivarly has died. Very few men still uphold the gentleman standard and try to woo a girl. It seems to be unheard of for a man to pick a woman up for the date or pull out her chair, help her with her coat on. Either that or I have dated really crappy men. Even if a guy did those things claiming to be a true gentleman, he still attempted things lets say were very ungentlemanly.

It seems that having those expectations of being wooed is frowned upon by many men, and I'm not saying all men are ungentlemanly, just that they are already taken or are well hidden. So many guys want to be king, but then treat women horribly, and still expect us to swoon over them and hop into bed right off the bat. What happened to wooing, falling in love, and knowing each other before taking that step?

Gentleman kindness has been replaced with "woman go make me a sandwhich". Many men think it is okay to be rude and unkind to women and still expect to be treated properly. How many women have thought "he was such a douchbag" as opposed to "what a gentleman"? There have been men who will tell me to my face on a first or second date how beautiful my chest is...How is that supposed to woo me as opposed to make me feel like he's not all that interested beyond sexual things?

Is that all there is anymore to dating? Has chivarely really died out and been replaced with uber-machoism? What happened to wooing a girl and asking her father permission to seriously date his daughter? Okay so the last might be extreme, but still would be nice to be respected and wooed instead of expected to be the one chasing and when we chase we come off as being "overly attached". What's a woman to do to find a gentleman anymore? Until proven otherwise..chivalry is dead.

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