Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." ~ Confucius

There are many times throughout life where we say that life is too hard, that we are unsure if we will be able to make it through. Times when we want to flat out give up on everything and stop trying. Especially if the trial is something small. We tend to make a mountain out of a mole hill as the saying goes. We want everything in life to be easy going and smooth sailing, without having to deal with anything else than what we want to happen. It seems a lot of the time if it is something we don't want to happen or don't want to consider dealing with we either say it is not fair or it is something we cannot handle. We make it more complicated than it should be.

Life is really simple as Confucious said. We have friends and family to rely on for support, but many times we do not take advantage of that. We look at life and see so many complications, so many struggles and stress. What if, if you looked at all the good in life then the struggles and stress and complications aren't as bad? We look at all the negativity in life, what if when we look at the postives, then life doesn't seem so hard?

We cause our own drama in our lives. We allow ourselves to hold grudges against someone or let how they think affect our lives in a negative way.If we aren't struggling with some trial life throws we are causing drama one way or another. We make things more complicated when we act this way. How often have we said "I won't go to the party if so and so will be there" or end friendships because we broke off a relationship?

Why do we do this? Why must everything in our lives be made more complicated than need be? And it is no one else's fault but our own. We create over half the complications in our own lives. But then the question is, how do we stop and make life more simpler?

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