Friday, February 21, 2014

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
― Robert Frost

Life has a way of turning our world upside down; flipping everything as we know it around, and flip it inside out to the point where we have no idea what is up or down anymore. During those times we tend to just want to stop everything and focus on the problem at hand. We focus so much of our energy on that one issue that it is all we can think about, all we can address at the time. Everything and everyone else around us fades away to the background, sometimes we even seclude ourselves from those around us and try to deal with things on our own.

During those times we forget that life does go on. There are people missing us, things piling up that need addressed. We cannot pretend that the world is on hold because something occurred in our lives that threw us for a loop. Life progresses and we should also. We need to be able to put that issue aside to experience life as it happens, but we always have a hard doing just that. Even if we go out with friends or family, we are distant and lost in our own thoughts. Why do we do this, and how can we break free from the vicious cycle that is life’s turmoil?

How can we allow life to go on when it seems like everything is coming a part all around us? How can we pretend to be happy when it seems like we are surrounded by sorrow and pain? It’s a hard thing to understand and try to do, which is probably why we are so comfortable in trying to hide from the world during our moments to trouble and heartache.

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