Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us." ~ Joseph Campbell

We are constantly trying to plan out our lives. What we want to do, who we want to marry, how many kids we want, where we want to live etc. We want everything to work out the way we want it too. In high school and college we plan where we want to be in 5 or 10 years. But how many times do those plans actually work out? How many times do our plans work out exactly the way we expect them too? Hardly ever! Then when things don't go the way we want them too, we get upset and claim it isn't fair.

Too often life has other plans. There is something else waiting for us rather than the plan we want. Most of the time we come out for the better with some of these plans. A lot of the time we expect things to be just the way we want them too, we are selfish in nature. And when things do not go the way we had planned we freeze and aren't prepared to handle it. That is probably why everything seems so much harder to bear, because we don't plan on the bad t hings happening. How could we?

How can we plan for someone in our family or ourselves getting cancer? Or a loved one dying unexpectedly or some other trial we face each day? How do we know how to plan for those things, so that we are able to live the life we are meant to live? How can we not look to the future and want to plan and then be disappointed when those plans fail?

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